
Chillitees' Animated Music Video - Sama Na

I don't realize that there was an animated music video combined with a Pinoy band performance. The music video was entitled "Sama Na" performed by Chillitees in year 2006. Although the animation seemed used in Adobe Flash or any computer-animation tool, the scenes makes sense at all. Great video.

Video Information
Animation: Elmer Ona & Ben Riego of WATUSI Productions.
Character designs: Paolo Lim, Elmer Ona & Ben Riego.
Written, directed and edited: Dan Gil
Cinematography and additional direction:Elmer Ona & Ben Riego.

By the way, don't forget the Sama Na music video here.

1 comment:

  1. hi im elmer ona, one of the animator who made this, if you like that one,
    check this out :D thanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gkM5DpRcQ4
