Bolt is a computer animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation and will be Disney's 48th animated feature. The story is about a white German Shepherd named Bolt. who has lived all his life on the set of a TV show in which he portrays a superhero dog, and as a result thinks that his superpowers are real. Later, he gets accidentally separated from the studio. He then meets a female cat named Mittens and a hamster who never leaves his exercise ball, and eventually he discovers that all of his powers are fake. It stars the voices of John Travolta, Miley Cyrus ( I assure that fans of Miley Cyrus will gonna love this one), Malcolm McDowell,Claire Holt, Diedrich Balder,Nick Swarson,Gregg German,Susie Esmann and Mark Walton. The featured animated movie was directed by Chris Williams and Byron Howard. Produced by Clark Spencer and John Lasseter.
This Disney's computer animated film may be set to release on Nov. 21st this year in the Philippines.
Plot sypnosis (from Wikipedia) :
For super-dog Bolt, every day is filled with adventure, danger and intrigue - at least until the cameras stop rolling. When the canine star of a hit TV show is accidentally shipped from his Hollywood soundstage to New York City, he begins his biggest adventure yet - a cross-country journey through the real world. Armed only with the delusions that all his amazing feats and powers are real, and with the help of two unlikely traveling companions - a jaded, abandoned housecat named Mittens and TV-obsessed hamster in a plastic ball named Rhino - Bolt discovers he doesn't need superpowers to be a hero.
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